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Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world. While it can affect both men and women, it occurs more frequently in women. It is the third leading cause of death in Iran, causing an average age of death in one’s 40s or 50s, but early detection and treatment can increase the survival rate of breast cancer patients.
Priapism is a prolonged, often painful, erection that lasts for four hours or more and is not related to sexual stimulation. It occurs when the blood that flows to the penis to create an erection cannot flow back out of the penis, causing it to remain fully or semi-erect for an extended period of time.
A cancer diagnosis of any kind can be very distressing for an individual, and the repercussions of such a diagnosis can have a significant impact on all aspects of a person’s life. What’s more, although cancer treatments can prevent the cancer from spreading and possibly eliminate it altogether, they often have negative short- and long-term consequences for patients. Patients who are aware of the possible side effects before undergoing treatment may be better equipped to manage them with the support of primary care physicians, oncologists, mental health specialists, and other health care professionals.
This summer our Annual ISSM Membership Survey was held as it is truly important for ISSM to know how our ISSM Members experience their ISSM Membership.
As a sign of appreciation for completing the survey, 5 submissions have been selected randomly to receive a $50.00 voucher that may be used for payment of ISSM membership, ISSM meeting registration and/or ISSM publications.
ISSM congratulates the following ISSM members for receiving a USD 50,- voucher.
- James G. Pfaus; Canada
- Wang Jiang; China
- Marina Scafuri; Brazil
- Tse Siu-san; Taiwan and
- Sergio Moreno; Chile.
On behalf of the ISSM Membership Committee thanks to all ISSM Members for your valued feedback!
Development and Validation of the Satisfaction Survey for Inflatable Penile Implant (SSIPI)
Carolyn A. Salter MD; Philip Vu Bach MD; Lawrence Jenkins MD; Nelson Bennett MD; Faysal A. Yafi MD; Farouk el Khatib MD; Elizabeth Schofield MPH; Nicole Benfante MS; Stanley E. Althof PhD; Christian J. Nelson PhD; John P. Mulhall MD, MSc, FECSM, FACS
FIRST PUBLISHED: August 6, 2021 – The Journal of Sexual Medicine
The 22ND World Meeting of Sexual Medicine will be held virtually from November 19 to 21, 2021. As we are not able to meet in-person, we strive even harder to stay connected!
Therefore, the ISSM initiated the ISSM Social Media Prize in collaboration with the ISSM Communication Committee.
All ISSM Members registered to the WMSM 2021 are invited to tweet content about #WMSM21.
The registrant with the best Twitter coverage will be awarded with the Social Media Prize, worth USD 500!
Check out how you can participate and actively join at the WMSM 2021, go to Social Media Prize Contest.
Follow our @ISSM_INFO Twitter account
Together In Spirit! #JoinUsWMSM21