How to access the ISSM University
Become an ISSM Member to benefit from full access to the ISSM University
Whether you are working towards professional certification including CME credits and the MJCSM certification, or looking to broaden your knowledge within the field of sexual medicine, the ISSM University provides resources to enrich and advance your learning journey.
Join today and receive free access to all courses.
Access for ISSM Members
ISSM Members can freely access the ISSM University using their ISSM credentials.
Access for members of ISSM’s affiliated societies
If you are not a member of ISSM, but you are a member of an ISSM affiliated society (including APSSM, ESSM, MESSM, SASSM, SLAMS, SMSNA, ISSWSH), you can request access via this form:

Navigating the platform
From the home page you can access dedicated course collections based on your scientific interest, or based on the MJCSM competencies you wants to learn more about.

All categories are regularly updated with new content.