ISSM Categories of Membership 2025
Membership fees are based on the World Bank Classification of Countries (Categories A,B,C*).
For a complete list of the classification of countries, please click here.
EUR 130.00 Full ISSM membership
(electronic only)
(electronic only)
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJSM
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- Volunteer opportunities
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
EUR 90.00 Full ISSM membership
Cat. B
(electronic only)
Cat. B
(electronic only)
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Printed version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJPU
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- Volunteer opportunities
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
EUR 0.00 Full ISSM membership
Cat. C
(electronic only)
Cat. C
(electronic only)
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Printed version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJPU
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- Volunteer opportunities
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
EUR 0.00Fee waived - Student, Resident or Trainee Fellow Membership
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJPU
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
- Volunteer opportunities
- Printed version of the ISSM Journals
- 50% discount on publishing in Sexual Medicine - the Open Access Journal
Verification of your student/resident status in the form of a letter from your institution (on their letterhead) is required. Upon submitting your application, please send your verification letter to Applications will not be reviewed or approved until proper documentation has been received.
EUR 0.00Fee Waived - Senior Membership
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJPU
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
- Volunteer opportunities
- Printed version of the ISSM Journals
- 50% discount on publishing in Sexual Medicine - the Open Access Journal
- Admission
You can apply for ISSM Senior Membership if: - you have been a Full ISSM Member for at least 10 years and
- have reached the age of 65 and
- are fully retired from professional activities.
- Applications for ISSM Senior Membership should be sent in writing to the ISSM Executive Office ( All applications will go through the ISSM Board of Directors for approval. ISSM Senior Members shall be exempt of all dues and assessments. ISSM Senior Members shall not be eligible for office and have no voting rights.
EUR 0.00Fee waived - Honorary Membership
- Electronic version of the ISSM Journals
- Access to the VJPU
- ISSM World Meeting Discount
- Access to ISSM webinars
- Access to ISSM Online University
- Inclusion in ‘Find a Provider’
- E-discussion Forum
- Earn a grant/scholarship
- Receive the weekly ISSM Update
- Have a vote at the ISSM Business Meetings
- Volunteer opportunities
- Printed version of the ISSM Journals
- 50% discount on publishing in Sexual Medicine - the Open Access Journal
- Admission
Honorary Members of the Society are those persons who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, have performed services for the Society warranting their appointment as Honorary Members and who have been elected as Honorary Members by ballot of members at a general meeting of the Society. Honorary members shall have no voting rights and may not hold office in the Society.
Any person eligible for membership will be admitted to membership only on the approval of the Board of Directors of an application submitted by that person in the form and manner prescribed by the Board of Directors.
At the end of each calendar year, a tacit renewal of your membership is applicable, for which you will be invoiced in October/November of the running year.