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History of Infertility Not Associated With Sexual Dysfunction in Midlife Women

History of Infertility Not Associated With Sexual Dysfunction in Midlife Women


Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive a baby after a year (12 months) of trying with regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a significant issue, especially for women, causing psychological stress due to expensive treatments, uncertainty, and social pressure. Infertility can also harm a woman’s self-esteem, sexual confidence, and overall well-being, thereby increasing the risk of sexual problems.

How Might Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Affect Male Partners’ Sexual Function?

How Might Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Affect Male Partners’ Sexual Function?


Urinary incontinence is a common problem that affects many people’s lives. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a prevalent type, especially among women. It can cause physical discomfort and impact one’s mental health and overall quality of life. SUI can also affect a person’s sexual function in about 50% of cases.

Decisional Uncertainty Around Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty

Decisional Uncertainty Around Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty


Gender-affirming surgeries like metoidioplasty and phalloplasty are important for transgender or gender nonbinary people assigned female at birth who wish to achieve gender identity congruence.

The Sexual Health of Female Partners of Prostate Cancer Survivors

The Sexual Health of Female Partners of Prostate Cancer Survivors


Prostate cancer can have a negative effect on a man’s sexual health, and an estimated 85% of prostate cancer survivors report sexual dysfunction in the form of erectile dysfunction (ED), changes in orgasm, anejaculation, sexual incontinence, changes in penile length or shape (including increased penile curvature), and decreased libido.

The Role of Self-Compassion in the Sexual Functioning of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

The Role of Self-Compassion in the Sexual Functioning of Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse


Child sexual abuse is a serious public health problem that can cause significant negative health outcomes such as psychiatric disorders and sexual dysfunction.

The Effect of Lichen Sclerosus on Women’s Sexual Health

The Effect of Lichen Sclerosus on Women’s Sexual Health


Lichen sclerosus (LS) is a skin disease that typically affects the anogenital area of the body and occurs more commonly in women. This condition causes whitish patches of skin that are more fragile than other areas of skin and can tear easily. One of the most distressing symptoms of LS is dyspareunia, or painful intercourse. Other symptoms include itching, pain, burning, and bleeding, and the anatomy of the genitals might also change over time. For example, the clitoral hood may adhere to the clitoris or the labia minora may appear to be reabsorbed by the body.


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