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COVID-19 Affects Sexuality of Healthcare Professionals

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the sex lives of healthcare workers in Turkey, suggests a recent study in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

What is vaginal flatus?

What is vaginal flatus?

Vaginal flatus (sometimes called vaginal flatulence, noisy vagina, or queefing) is passing gas through the vagina.

Positive Body Image, Self-Esteem Important for Sexual Function

There are significant connections among sexual self-esteem, sexual communication, body image, and female sexual function, new research from China suggests.

Study: ADT Reduces Sexual Urges in Men With Pedophilic Disorder

Study: ADT Reduces Sexual Urges in Men With Pedophilic Disorder

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) appears to benefit men with pedophilic disorder, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

CLOSED – Call for Committee Members – Sub-committee on Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Hypersexuality

ISSM International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM):


Call for Sub-Committee Members

Join us in our mission to be the most respected and trusted source of information, education and professional development on human sexual health through the delivery of world-class publications, research findings, online and in person opportunities for knowledge exchange, world-wide, by participating in the ISSM International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM).

We are looking for Sub-Committee Members to contribute to the ICSM, which will produce reviews to be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM), covering definitions, treatment options and evaluation on sexual medicine.

We invite all ISSM Members (or if you are willing to become an ISSM member) to apply for ICSM Committee Membership in the following subject area:

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Hypersexuality.

ICSM Sub-committee Members will serve in the Sub-committee in the period it takes to prepare the specific reviews on the topic. Sub-committee Members will be selected by the Sub-committee Chair with input from the ISSM Consultation and Guidelines Committee.

To apply for a position, please click here for application form and apply by April 15, 2021.

Expectations / Terms of Reference

Click here for the Terms of Reference of ICSM Committee Members, Sub-Committee Chairs, and Sub-Committee Members

Interested in serving on the Committee?

To apply for a position, please click here for application form and apply by April 15, 2021.
You will need to submit the following details:

  • Your name, area of practice, credentials and affiliation
  • Clinical or research experience within the specified topic
  • Experience in development of reviews
  • A brief statement of interest explaining why you are interested in serving on the Committee, including any relevant experience you have to the work of the Committee
  • CV
  • Disclosure Form (complete HERE)

Staff Liaison

Vivian Gies
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Can Shock Wave Therapy Help Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia?

Low-intensity shock wave therapy (LISWT) is a safe, feasible way to relieve pain in women with provoked vestibulodynia (PVD), a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study suggests.

Study Explores Personality and BDSM Roles

Personality traits might have some influence on the sexual roles chosen by BDSM practitioners, according to a new Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

Personality and Attitudes Influence Men’s Experiences with Premature Ejaculation

Assessing personality traits and attitudes might help clinicians better understand and treat men with premature ejaculation (PE), suggests new research in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. 

Study Examines Safety of Estrogen Continuation Before Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty

Estrogen Continuation and Venous Thromboembolism in Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty

Ian T. Nolan BM; Caleb Haley BS; Shane D. Morrison MD, MS; Christopher J. Pannucci MD, MS; Thomas Satterwhite MD

Can childhood cancer survivors have sexual health concerns as adults?

Can childhood cancer survivors have sexual health concerns as adults?

Yes. It’s possible for childhood cancer survivors to experience late effects (issues that occur years after their treatment) that impair sexual function in adulthood.

Female Sexual Dysfunction Linked to Sexual Problems in Men

Men whose female partners have sexual dysfunction are likely to have sexual problems themselves, according to the results of a recent review and meta-analysis in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.


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