Call for nominations ISSM Board of Directors
The ISSM Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for five open positions on the ISSM Board of Directors: President-Elect, Treasurer, and three Members-at-Large. Any ISSM member in good standing may seek election for these positions by submitting a petition for nomination signed by 20 full members of the society. Petitions must be received by the Secretary-General by July 4, 2022.
Dear ISSM members,
The ISSM Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the following 5 open positions on the Board of Directors, which is the governing authority of the ISSM:
- President-Elect;
- Treasurer; and
- Three (3) Members-at-Large.
The President-Elect serves for two (2) years before becoming President for two (2) years. Additionally, he or she serves two (2) more years as Immediate Past-President on the Board. The Treasurer and the three Members-at-Large all serve four-year terms.
Nominating Process
Any member in good standing may seek election for any of these vacant positions by submitting a petition for nomination signed by 20 full members of the Society who have timely paid the membership fees. Please click here for the petition form.
For the purposes of the election process, e-mails from the ISSM-registered e-mail address of the nominating members will be accepted, so a single document with 20 signatures is not required.
The petition for nomination must be submitted by email to the Secretary General at
Only candidates nominated by this process will be eligible for election; no nominations will be accepted after this date.
Candidates are required to meet the qualifications, as determined by the ISSM Board of Directors, related to the position for which they are nominating themselves or a candidate. Qualifications can be reviewed online by clicking here.
The ISSM Nominating Committee, comprised of the Past Presidents of ISSM and the Presidents (or their representative) of each Regional Affiliated Society, chaired by the Immediate Past-President of ISSM, is empowered by our constitution to nominate one or more candidates for each available position.
The ISSM Nominating Committee, whose members have particular knowledge of the qualities required from candidates for these positions, will only make such nominations to further the best interests of the Society.
Lobbying of ISSM Nominating Committee members and members of the ISSM Board of Directors is not permitted. It is very important for all members to understand that they may vote for any properly nominated candidate and not just for a candidate nominated by the ISSM Nominating Committee, if any.
Elections and Voting Process
In accordance with section 6.7 of the ISSM bylaws, the elections of officers and directors of the ISSM will be conducted by written ballots, which will be taken by electronic transmission (e-votes). All ISSM members entitled to vote will be allowed to cast their votes during a one-month voting window that opens on Thursday, September 29, 2022 and will close exactly 60 minutes (4:30 PM EST/UTC-5) before the start of the ISSM Business Meeting on Saturday, October 29, 2022.
A Board approved online voting system will be made accessible through the ISSM members only section on www.issm.info (members login required) which will be used to verify the validity of each ballot and to collect all the votes. The candidate for each office receiving the most votes shall be elected. The results of the elections will be announced during the business meeting on Saturday, October 29, 2022.
If you have any questions about the nomination and election process, please do not hesitate to contact ISSM at
Dr. Luiz Otavio Torres
Immediate ISSM Past President
Chairman, ISSM Nominating Committee
Summary of Important Dates
- July 4, 2022: Deadline petition for nomination signed by 20 full members of the Society who have timely paid the membership fees.
- July 15, 2022: Deadline for providing the Secretary General/ISSM Executive Office with a signed biography and a statement of the candidate.
- Between September 29 – October 29, 2022: The elections are opened for a one-month time window (An online voting system will be used to verify the validity of each ballot and collect the votes).
- October 29, 2022: Announcement of results of the elections at the ISSM Business Meeting.