This webinar took place on September 22, 2023.
As we witness the race in the development of novel minimally invasive regenerative treatments in the field of andrology and sexual medicine, there is much desired discussion and education regarding its overall safety and efficacy. In this exciting webinar, we will not only discuss recent data and outcomes, but we will also highlight some of the newest advancement and nuances of Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy (Li-SWT), Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Stem Cells, Radio-frequency therapy and more.
- Opening and short introduction by Omer Raheem, ISSM Webinar Chair
- Welcome by the moderator – Ege Can Serefoglu (Turkey)
- Regenerative therapies for ED - Thomas Masterson (USA)
- Regenerative therapies for PD - Thiago Fernandes Lima Negris (Brazil)
- Q&A Session of 30 min, led by the moderator

Ege Can Serefoglu has a Medical Doctor degree from Turkey and has completed a residency in urology. After practicing as a urologist for 2 years, he has worked as a post-doctorate research fellow at Tulane University Department of Urology, Division of Andrology, New Orleans, USA. He has received “Amsterdam Young Scientist Award” in 2012 and “European Society for Sexual Medicine - Award of Excellence” in 2018. He is actively working in professional organizations such as Surgical Urology Society, European Association of Urology (EAU), European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) and International Society of Sexual Medicine (ISSM). Currently, he is working in the EAU Sexual and Reproductive Health Guidelines panel and serving as the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Impotence Research journal and working at Biruni University School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey.

Dr Masterson is an Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of Miami and the Bruce W Carter VA Medical Center in Miami Florida . He is fellowship trained in male fertility and sexual medicine. Dr. Masterson is co-investigator on two prospective clinical trials assessing the efficacy and safely of shockwave therapy and platelet rich plasma for the treatment of ED. Dr Masterson has authored over 30 peer reviewed manuscripts and serves as a reviewer for several journals in sexual medicine, including the Journal of Sexual Medicine, International Journal of Impotence Research and Gold Journal of Urology.

Dr Lima is an Andrologist and coordinates the andrology section of the IVF program in Maceió/Brazil. He is fellowship trained in male fertility and sexual medicine at the University of Miami. Dr. Lima has dedicated his research to sexual medicine and infertility and has authored many peer reviewed manuscripts. Dr Lima serves as a reviewer for several journals in Andrology, including The World Journal of Men's Health, American Journal of Men's Health, Asian Journal of Andrology and Fertility and Sterility Journal. Dr Lima is Member of the Scientific Committee ABEMSS (Brazilian Association for Studies in Medicine and Sexual Health).