This ISSM Webinar was jointly organized with WAS, the World Association for Sexual Health, and will be about Sexual pleasure in clinical settings.
Sexual pleasure is often overlapped with the experience of orgasm, a fallacy that fails to grasp the complexity of this important sexual outcome and as a main motivation for sexual activity. recently sexual pleasure has gained attention as a fundamental human right and is currently the focus of sexual justice advocacy and research. However, it has largely been neglected as the focus or even a secondary outcome of interest in clinical intervention. In this webinar we claim to call attention for the importance that clinicians need to pay to sexual pleasure.
- Opening by ISSM President-Elect and WAS President
- Welcome and short introduction by Gerald Brock, President-Elect ISSM
- Welcome and short introduction by Elna Rudolph, President WAS
- Welcome by the moderator – Alain Giami (France)
- Sexual pleasure in research – Erick Janssen (Belgium)
- How to Ethically put Pleasure in Sexual Medicine Consultations – Elna Rudolph (South Africa)
- Challenges in clinical practices – Patricia Pascoal (Portugal)
- Q&A Session

Alain Giami (PhD) is currently Emeritus Research Professor at the Inserm (National Institute
of Health and Medical Research) in Paris. He is Vice President of the World Association for
Sexual Health and Associate editor of the journal “Sexologies: European Journal of Sexology
and sexual health”.
He served as a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research since 1994 and
also as an expert in various task force at the World Health Organization, UNESCO, the
French Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) and the French Ministry of Health. He created and
developed a University Diploma on “Sexual health and Public Health at Paris University
(Paris 5 and Paris 7) (2007-2014). He served as Scientific Director at the UNESCO Chair in
Sexual health and Human rights (2010-2014).
He has published several books in French, English and Portuguese including: “Histories of
Sexology : Between Science and Politics” (Palgrave) co-edited with Sharman Levinson
(2021); “Infirmières & Sexualité : entre soins et relations” (Nurses & sexuality : between
care & relations”, 2015 with Emilie Moreau & Pierre Moulin; "Sexual revolutions" (in
collaboration with Gert Hekma), Palgrave 2014; He is currently coordinating an international
network on “Health and Citizenship among trans persons” (France, Brasil, Chile, Italy,
Norway, Denmark, Portugal).

Erick Janssen, Ph.D., is Professor at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and Senior Research Fellow at the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, USA. He has published extensively on the topics of sexual psychophysiology, sexual aggression, hypersexuality, risky sexual behavior, sexual dysfunction, and sexuality and relationships. He developed, together with John Bancroft, M.D., the Dual Control Model of Sexual Response and has received a number of scientic awards, including twice the Hugo Beigel Award and, with his students, the SSTAR Award, the Reiss Theory Award, and the IASR Best Student Manuscript Award. Erick Janssen is Past-President of the International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) and currently serves as Chair of the Scientic Committee of the World Association of Sexual Health (WAS).

Dr Elna Rudolph is the President of the World Association of Sexual Health. She is a medical doctor and has been working exclusively in Sexual Medicine in South Africa for over a decade. She qualified in South Africa and did her post graduate training through the University of Sydney in Australia. Dr Rudolph has been a member of the ISSM for many years. She enjoys her role in WAS where the multidisciplinary approach to Sexual Health is realised through professional education, research and advocacy to ensure Sexual Health and Rights for ALL.

Psychotherapist and Psychotherapy Supervisor - Assistant Professor at Lusofona University in Lisbon - President of The Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology - Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias/ Coordinator of the Masters of Clinical and Health Psychology - Deputy Editor in Chief, Sexual Medicine - Vice-Chair of the Education Committee of ISSM.