This webinar took place on Monday, July 29, 2024.
Our aim is to assess the effects of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) on male health indicators in hypogonadal men, and the impact on sexual quality of life and prostate cancer risk. Testosterone prescriptions have nearly tripled in recent years; however, it is clear from clinical practice that there are many men using testosterone without a clear indication and others who need TRT who do not receive it due to clinical concerns, particularly around the development of prostate cancer and cardiovascular events. Therefore, the ISSM identified the need to produce an evidence-based webinar that informs how we can treat men effectively and safely.
- Opening by SLAMS and ISSM Representatives
- Welcome by moderator: Leonardo Seligra Lopes (Brazil)
- Testosterone in Prostate Cancer: Landon Trost (USA)
- Testosterone and Sexual Function: Sidney Glina (Brazil)
- Live roundtables discussion with panallists: Mohit Khera (USA), Juan Andino (USA), and Edwin Reyes (Brazil).

Leonardo is a urologist and andrologist who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of ABC.

Landon Trost is a Urologist and affiliate faculty at Brigham Young University, specializing in vasectomy reversals, Peyronie’s Disease, and male infertility. He is the Director of the Male Fertility and Peyronie’s Clinic and the President of the charity, CURE PD.

Sidney Glina is head of the Divison of Urology of Centro Universitário FMABC - Santo André - São Paulo – Brazil. Past-President of ISSM ( 2000-2002). Past- President Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia (2006-2007). Ediro-Emeritus International Brazilian Journal of Urology.

Mohit Khera, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H. earned his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University. He subsequently earned his Masters Degree in Business Administration and his Masters Degree in Public Health from Boston University. He received his Medical Degree from The University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio and completed his Urology residency training in the Scott Department of Urology at Baylor College of Medicine.

Juan José Andino is a urologist who specializes in the evaluation and management of male sexual medicine and male infertility. He is a graduate of University of Michigan's Department of Urology and completed his fellowship training in Male Reproductive Medicine & Surgery at UCLA.

Fellow in Sexual Medicine at Boston University and Buenos Aires University.
Professor of Urology at “Energencias Grau” Hospital of the National University Mayor de San Marcos. Lima. Perú
Secretary General of the Latin American Society of Sexual Medicine.