Yes, it’s possible.
Gender-reassignment surgery (sometimes called gender-confirmation surgery or gender-affirmation surgery) is one way (but not the only way) that individuals with gender dysphoria transition from their birth gender to their desired gender.
Male-to-female surgery involves the creation of female genitalia. The penis and testicles are removed, and a vagina is created from penile skin (vaginoplasty). Labia can be made from scrotal skin.
Surgeons also create a clitoris (clitoroplasty), usually from the highly-sensitive glans found at the tip of the penis. The clitoris is an important center of sexual pleasure for most women, and many women cannot reach orgasm without clitoral stimulation.

One of the goals of gender-reassignment surgery is the ability to enjoy intimacy and reach orgasm. Research suggests that many transwomen are satisfied with their new genitalia.
In 2017, the Journal of Sexual Medicine published two studies that investigated the sexual sensations of transgender women after clitoroplasty and vaginoplasty.
In the first study, all of the 22 participants were able to feel sensations when a filament was applied to their new clitoris. In addition, 19 of the transwomen reported having orgasms. One had not, and two had not tried to climax at the time of the study.

In the second study, involving 25 transwomen, sensations were tested on the clitoris, labia, vaginal opening, and anus. The researchers reported “good genital sensitivity” for all participants. Eighty percent had reached orgasm at least once since their procedure.
In both studies, most transwomen said they were satisfied with their surgical results.

It can take time for transwomen to start having orgasms after surgery. The body needs to heal, and the woman needs to acquaint herself with her new genitalia. She needs to discover how she likes to stimulated and what areas bring her the most pleasure. In time, she can communicate those needs to her partner. Or, she and her partner can make these discoveries together.
Transwomen who feel they need guidance on sex after gender-reassignment surgery shouldn’t hesitate to seek sex therapy with a qualified professional.
“Transgender Health & Sex Reassignment Surgery”
(Last modified: October 8, 2015)
International Society for Sexual Medicine
“Transgender Women Satisfied with Neoclitoris, Study Reports”
“Transgender Women Satisfied with Vaginoplasty, Study Finds”
“What is gender reassignment surgery?”
The Journal of Sexual Medicine
LeBreton, Marianne, MA, et al.
“Genital Sensory Detection Thresholds and Patient Satisfaction With Vaginoplasty in Male-to-Female Transgender Women”
(Full-text. February 2017)
Sigurjónsson, Hannes, MD, PhD, et al.
“Long-Term Sensitivity and Patient-Reported Functionality of the Neoclitoris After Gender Reassignment Surgery”
(Full-text. Published online: January 10, 2017)
Allen, Samantha
“How I learned to orgasm after sex reassignment surgery”
(October 25, 2016)
Sciortino, Karley
“Why One Trans Woman Wants to Discuss Sex After Surgery”
(August 3, 2013)