Does “Blue Balls” Really Exist?

“Blue balls” is a term ingrained in our cultural lexicon, often referring to testicular discomfort experienced in the testicles due to prolonged sexual arousal without release. While widely recognized, its medical legitimacy remains dubious. Despite being referenced in popular culture and media, scientific literature on the subject is scarce.
In 2000, Chalett and Nerenberg published a case report on transient testicular pain but found no substantial evidence to support the existence of blue balls, emphasizing the need for further research. A recent expert opinion piece published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine sheds new light on this controversial topic. This article by Jones et al. represents one of the rare scientific investigations into the existence and implications of blue balls.
Blue balls is often portrayed online as a benign condition caused by “epididymal hypertension,” a purported buildup of blood in the genitals due to arousal without ejaculation. This explanation, however, lacks solid scientific backing. Theories exist about why blue balls may happen (including vascular engorgement or venous stasis, i.e., blood remaining in the genitals), but none provide a clear physiological mechanism for the phenomenon. Moreover, the portrayal of blue balls as harmless disregards its potential for coercion and manipulation during sexual activity.
Anecdotal evidence and investigational surveys suggest that the idea of blue balls is frequently exploited as a tool for sexual coercion. Feeling pressured into sexual activity due to a partner’s complaint of blue balls appears alarmingly common. This coercion often involves manipulation by exploiting the perceived necessity of relieving blue balls to justify non-consensual sexual encounters.
To understand blue balls better, it may make more sense to examine it through a psychological lens rather than as a physiological process. Many conditions involve somatic (bodily) symptoms without a clear medical basis. Conversion disorder is when psychological stress leads to physical symptoms without a clear medical explanation, and factitious disorder involves exaggerating symptoms for attention or other personal reasons. Similarly, blue balls may be a manifestation of psychological distress or a conscious exaggeration tactic to elicit sympathy and encourage sexual compliance.
Addressing blue balls requires a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, there needs to be acknowledgment within the scientific community that blue balls is not merely a benign condition but can be wielded as a tool for coercion. Research into the psychological aspects of blue balls is crucial to understanding its prevalence and impact. Awareness campaigns can help individuals recognize and respond to coercive tactics associated with blue balls.
In conclusion, blue balls is a complex phenomenon that transcends its simplistic portrayal in popular culture. While its physiological basis remains unclear, its potential for coercion and manipulation in sexual contexts is undeniable. By acknowledging and investigating the psychological dimensions of blue balls, we can work towards dismantling harmful narratives and promoting healthier, consensual sexual interactions.
- Jones, J. M., Cedermark, K., Barham, D., & Gross, M. S. (2024). Does blue balls exist, and why should we care? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 21(2), 88–89. https://doi.org/10.1093/jsxmed/qdad161